Twenty (20) meaningful ways to spend your Eidee

Eidi is a gift that is given to children and young people by elders on the occasion of Eid. It is a special tradition that brings joy and happiness to…

How Inflation Can Affect Your Savings and Investments ?

The Effect of Inflation on your Purchasing Power of your money Inflation can have a significant impact on both savings and investments. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices…

How to live in Clean and Peaceful society ?

10 Tips Living in a clean and peaceful society is a goal that most of us aspire to. However, achieving this goal requires a collective effort from everyone in the…

Chatri Park – Gulshan-e-Maymar

Chatri Park (Umbrella Park) is a beautiful park located in Sector V of Gulshan-e-Maymar, a residential area in Karachi, Pakistan. The park is a popular destination for locals and visitors,…

About Jamiat ur Rasheed, Karachi

Jamiat ur Rasheed is an Islamic educational institution located in Ahsanabad (Near Gulshan-e-Maymar) the city of Karachi, Pakistan. The institution was founded in 1972 by Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Ludhianvi, a…

Tanzeem ul Falah Maymar Association

Leading Non Profit Organization providing extra ordinary humanity welfare services at its level best. Tanzeem ul falah Maymar Association is a non-profit organization that operates in the Maymar area of…