Winter is Spring season for Muslim

Winter season is the spring season for Muslims because it is easier to perform worship.

There is no one “best” season for fasting as fasting can be practiced at any time of the year. The decision to fast should be based on personal preference and individual circumstances. Therefore, The winter season is a treasure for the worshiper.

That being said, some people find that fasting during the winter season can be easier because the colder weather can suppress appetite and make it more comfortable to abstain from food. Additionally, the winter months typically have shorter daylight hours, which means that the fasting window can be shorter as well.

Winter season is considered the spring season for Muslims. It is a time of spiritual growth, renewal, and reflection.

The winter season is also a time of spiritual renewal. Muslims take this time to purify their hearts and souls and seek forgiveness for their sins. They increase their acts of worship, such as prayer, fasting, and charity, and strive to improve their relationship with Allah.

Fasting is a personal choice and can be practiced for various reasons, including religious, cultural, or health reasons. Some people fast as part of their spiritual or religious practice, while others may choose to fast for weight loss, to improve their metabolism, or to manage certain health conditions.

While the winter season may make fasting more comfortable for some individuals, it’s important to remember that fasting can be challenging no matter the season. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any fasting regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Additionally, it’s important to approach fasting in a healthy and safe manner. This includes staying hydrated, listening to your body’s hunger signals, and breaking your fast gradually with nutritious foods.

In summary, while the winter season may make fasting more comfortable for some individuals, the decision to fast should be based on personal preference and individual circumstances. It’s important to approach fasting in a healthy and safe manner, and to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any fasting regimen.

However, it’s important to note that fasting during the winter season may not be the best choice for everyone. For example, people who are more susceptible to cold weather or who have health conditions that are exacerbated by the cold may find it difficult to fast during this time. It’s important to consider individual factors before deciding on the best season for fasting.

Dear Readers! Whether it is cold or hot, regardless of the weather changes, we are the servants of Allah, and we are bound to follow His orders, but if it is cold that by the mercy of Allah, it becomes very easy to perform certain acts of worship in the cold season. This is the reason why. Hazrat Umar Bin Al-Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu said: “The winter season is a treasure for the worshiper”

Even, over beloved, the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W himself has called the winter season as the spring season for Muslims because it is easier to perform worship.

In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), explained it further and said: For a Muslim ummah, winter is the season of spring, his days are short, so he fasts, and the nights are long, in which he stays for prayer.

Hazrat Abu Bakr bin Hafs narrates: It has come to me that Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) used to fast in summer and did not fast in winter. Fasting in the summer is because it is hard on the soul and according to the hadith: the best action is the one that requires more effort.

When it was cold, Hazrat Sayyiduna Obaid bin Umayr, may God be pleased with him, used to say: O people of the Qur’an! Your night has become long for your recitation, so recite the Qur’an! And the day will be short for your fasting, so fast!

Welcome to the arrival of winter!

Hazrat Ibn Masoud (RA) said: Welcome to the arrival of winter! Blessings are revealed in it, the night becomes longer for staying up and the day becomes shorter for fasting.
Allah Subhan o Taala! May we also be blessed to stay long at night and fast abundantly during the day in this season of worship! Ameen Allahumma Ameen

Syed Haseeb
Author: Syed Haseeb

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  1. Seems like Discount Scheme from Allah. Muslim should avail this discount same as they avail discount on items available on shops.

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